Articles on: Asset Platform for Admin

How dynamic content placeholders work?

In this article we will show you how to add dynamic content placeholders, e.g., client name, so your team can build presentations faster.

Watch the tutorial video on how to set up your placeholders

Click here to jump to the right section within the video or click to 13:45 in the video below.

How to create and manage placeholders

To start building your placeholder library you just have to follow some easy steps:

Placeholder Library

Create new placeholder

1. Go to your company/team slides
2. Go to the “Placeholders” tab
3. Click “Create new”
4. Add the name of your placeholder (Reference that end-users will see in the form when inserting slides containing placeholders)
5. Optionally, add a description or format example to show up as a suggestion in the form when inserting slides into PowerPoint to help guide your end-users
6. Optionally, add a default value to replace your placeholder automatically (helps maintain certain company-wide information)

How to add placeholders to your files

To prepare your files for end-user access you just need to follow a few simple steps.

A. Select the file you want to add placeholders to and select “Edit and add placeholders” from the top right hand-side dropdown
B. Alternatively, click on the selected slide or presentation’s cog wheel

B1. For stand-alone slides, scroll down and click “create placeholders”

B2. For presentations select the “Edit and add placeholders” tab

Your file will be scanned, and all its content will be displayed and ready to be selected.
1. Select the desired content and select the option to link to an existing placeholder from your library

2. Click the link button to select the wanted placeholder
3. Alternatively, if you can’t find the placeholder you need already in your library, click “create new & link”

4. The placeholder you have just linked or created and linked will now appear on the left side and highlighted in pink on the right
5. You can also select content and create a new placeholder if you already know that you don’t have any suitable placeholders in your library for that specific content

6. Add the name of your placeholder
7. Add a description or example text + add a default value if that’s the case

8. To link a placeholder that is already in use in this specific slide select the option to “reuse placeholder” and select from the available list

9. To edit your placeholders, simple select the “edit placeholder” option or click on the cog wheel. Please note that any changes you make to your placeholders will permanently change the selected placeholder and will reflect across all slides currently using it. Consider creating a new placeholder and replacing the currently linked one.
10. To unlink a placeholder just select the “unlink placeholder” option from the dropdown
11. To unlink all the placeholders, click on the “unlink all” button on the top right
12. To test your placeholders and see how it will look for the end-user when inserting slides using SlideHub’s PowerPoint add-in, click the “Test placeholders” button on the top right

That’s it! Your slides now have placeholders and are ready for end-users to insert and replace the content automatically.

Additionally, feel free to check out our blog post for some extra details.

Related articles: How to use dynamic content placeholders

If you need additional help, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Customer Success Team at SlideHub.

Updated on: 05/20/2024

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