Articles on: Asset Platform Admin

How SharePoint backup works

SharePoint Backup allows Managers to synch their SlideHub libraries to their SharePoint accounts. To do so you can:

1) Contact the customer success team ( to have it enabled for your organization. For security reasons this is not enabled as a default.
2) As a Manager, go to "Manage Assets" and then to "Backup and files"

3) Click in "Configure" and select the folder.

What will happen once the process starts?

Once your library has been synched via Sharepoint, you will be able to see the files in your library and filter for any issues. You can narrow your search to see only queued or failed files.

Select the action of your choice and apply the corresponding action depending on your preferences.

If you still have questions, don't hesitate to reach out to the customer success team at

Updated on: 08/15/2023

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