Articles on: Design Service for Admin

How do I control costs?

The design service works on a credit basis where one credit is equivalent to 1 hour of service support.
The number of hours required to complete a design task will depend on the complexity of the task as well as the number of slides sent.
If you wish to know more about this, we invite you to read this article.

Limit user access to the Design Service

You can manage who should have access to the Design Service or who should only have access to the PowerPoint software.
To do this, go to Manage view > User Setting.

Users overview

You will be able to see all the people in your organization, and you will be able to edit their permissions and limit or enable the design service by clicking on their profile.

User roles

Select PlatformOnly if you want a user to be able to access the software but not have access to Design Service. Typically, this setting is used for junior staff who should learn how to build slides before outsourcing.


You need credits in your account to send tasks to the designers. To determine who can order new credits go to the Send task > Credits & Usage > Credits.

Here you can: determine who can request refills, add credits manually or enable auto-refill of credits.

You can choose between:
• Automatically refill your company’s credits automatically when they are running out.
• Allow any member to ask for a refill when they need it. (Must be approved by Account Owners or Managers)
• Only allow Managers and Account Owner to refill credits.

You can read more about how to add credits here.

Project IDs

Companies often need to track the costs of design services based on projects so they can allocate the cost directly to the client or calculate the Profit and Loss (P&L) of the projects.

How to make project codes mandatory for your team?

If you wish to keep track of individual tasks and make it mandatory for your team members to add Project IDs, you can do it by going to the Manage view > Service Setting > Project IDs.

You can edit Project IDs here.

Is there a specific project code format?

There are no requirements for the format of the project codes.

Is there a default project ID?

If not specified otherwise, there will not be a project id associated with your tasks. This means that tasks sent from the same user in each month will be collapsed into a single invoice line.

How can I specify the project format ID?

If you are the account owner, you can specify the project ID format in the Service settings under Project IDs.

Limit the option slides that SlideHub creates

Oftentimes users ask SlideHub to give a few output options for one input slides to have something to choose from. This comes at a cost as SlideHub need to build more slides. If you want to limit this, you can set your Default approach options to Limited. Go to manage view > Service Settings > Other.

How will I receive my invoices?

You will receive separate invoices for the PowerPoint software and the Design Service. To see an overview of your invoices, click here.

How can I know how much my organization has spent?

If you are the account owner or manager, you can track the spent across the organization monthly by going to Send Task > Credits & Usage. For a more detailed overview, click on the Details tab.

If you need more help or would like to clear specific questions about costs, please don’t hesitate to contact our Customer Support Team.

Updated on: 05/10/2024

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